Picasso's Diamond Jubilee
AM/CAN CH. Picasso's That's Amore
AM/CAN Ch. Mina's-Picasso Designer Genes
Ch. Mar-Rich 'N Mina's Rumor Has It
Ch. Mina's City Slicker
Ch. Ouachitah Kodiak
Markay's Bluesky Mariah Carey
Mar-Rich's Dots of Mina-L
Ch. Mina's Farmer in the Dell
Ch. O Pag's Cagey Caper-L
Mina's Johannah
Ch. Mina's Mr Barkly
Ch. H and J's Mystic Wizard
Royal Acres Appleseed Annie
Mar-Rich's Dots of Mina-L
Ch. Mina's Farmer in the Dell
Ch. O Pag's Cagey Caper-L
Samajoto's Classy Chasis
Ch. Mina's City Slicker
Ch. Ouachitah Kodiak
Ch. H and J's Mystic Wizard
Ch. Dartan's Super Star
Markay's Bluesky Mariah Carey
Ch. Carol's Cowboy Chaps
Bliss Hooser Melody of Love
CH Mina's Mar-Rich Barbra Bosher
Ch. Ouachitah Beau Chiene
Ch. H and J's Mystic Wizard
Ch. Dartan's Super Star
Mar-Rich's Buttons N Beaus-L
Ch. Mar-Rich's Beau ty-L
Ch. Mar-Rich's Bello 'O The Ball-L
Mina's Diamond Debutante
Ch. Mar-Rich 'N Mina's Rumor Has It
Ch. Mina's City Slicker
CH Ouachitah Kodiak
Ch. H and J's Mystic Wizard
Ch. Dartan's Super Star
Markay's Bluesky Mariah Carey
Ch. Carol's Cowboy Chaps
Ch. Bliss Hoosier Melody of Love
Mar-Rich's Dots of Mina-L
CH Mina's Farmer in the Dell
Ch. Mina's Gentleman Farmer
Mina's Macey's Mom
CH O'Pag's Cagey Caper L
Mina's Stanley Steamer
O Pag's Black Iris
Fandango Diamond Solotaire
CH Fandango Blaze Of Glory-S
Fandango Rock My World-S
CH Neben's Solid Gold Solo
Hurd's Flutterby Dizzy Lizzy
Mar-Rich's I Feel Lucky-L
CH Mar-Rich 'N Mina's Rumor Has It
Mar-Rich's Give Me That Wink-L
CH Fandango Vanity Faire-S
CH Neben's Solid Gold Solo
CH Guichon's Yabba Dabba Doo
CH Hurd's Edythe Anne
Hurd's Flutterby Dizzy Lizzy
CH Mina's Lil Andy Anderson
Hurd's Jumping Jackie